Saturday, October 4, 2014

My LeanIn Circle, Meeting Challenges Around the World

My circle was created to bring those individuals together who may not have the support of others that may be within their circle. Thus, which enters my peer group/circle. We come together to not only to talk, but to encourage one another to succeed and grow in life. If you feel that this is something that you might want to join, then contact me at for your request.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Latisha Lyles Tech Consultant for the Blind: My Views on IOS 8

Latisha Lyles Tech Consultant for the Blind: My Views on IOS 8: I was really excited about the latest update until I noticed the immediate issues. First, I wasn't allowed, or was unable to use my key...

My Views on IOS 8

I was really excited about the latest update until I noticed the immediate issues. First, I wasn't allowed, or was unable to use my keyboard properly though it is connected to my iPhone. Second, for some strange reason or another I keep getting the same announcement while using my device. The announcement says, "Voice Over" is on which is crazy because I already know this fact. Thus, I can't for the life of me get it to stop no matter what I try. Aside, from the bugs I am impressed with the fact that I can send audio messages if I choose not to type or dictate. I also like the way the settings section is setup very organized. Lastly, I was also happy that now I can add cute little images to my text messages.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Mailing List

I just created a list designed for all who are new to technology. If you are into technology then my list is for you. All is welcome beginners and the real tech jucky. Http:// Unfortunately, you must have a Gmail to start then you can change to your most desired email once you are in group. Latisha Skype: Lady.Tech67

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Being Organized

The following apps are great for both organizing and sharing both documents/notes with your peers.  First,we have Bangla notes, this app allows you to both share and organize while creating.  Second, we have Notable Organize Your Notes.  The name alone says it al.  The cool thing is that you could create folders along with notes/documents with specific content.  Thus no more clutter and very organized right.  Lastly, Pocket Note Lght, this app also allows for sharing among whomever you wish to share important information.  Oh, I nearly forgotten I also have an MP3 recorder app that I would like to share as well.  This app is totally cool and quite easy to use as wel.  There are 3 very easy steps, record, pause/play and stop.  You can also share these recording as well.  The beauty of these apps is that You can connect them to either the Dropbox app, or the Google Drive app.  I highly recommend these apps to both students and those who work while traveling or those who work from home.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Usig A Wireless keyboard With Your I Device

What follows is a list of common actions, gestures and keyboard commands for the iPhone and iPad.  When using a wireless keyboard the VoiceOver (VO) key is Control + Option
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Unlock the screen Press the Home key, tap anywhere, swipe 3 fingers left to right.
Toggle screen curtain on/off (VO stays active but screen is off) Tap 3 times fast using 3 fingers VO+Shift+S
Tap an item Double tap VO+Spacebar
Open Item Chooser for
current screen 2 finger triple tap VO+I
Hide or show onscreen
Keyboard Move finger to Hide keyboard key. Double tap Press eject key

Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Read all from first object in selected area Swipe up using 2 fingers VO+A
Read from top Swipe down using 2 fingers VO+B
Read by character, word or line (depends on rotor setting)  Flick up or down  Read character – right/left arrow
Read word – option+right/left arrow
Read line – up/down arrow
Read paragraph – option+up/down arrow
Read first or last line of document N/A Control+up/down arrow
Read first or last line and verify insertion point at beginning or end N/A Control+up/down arrow twice
Move insertion point to start or end of document  Double tap with 1 finger  VO+Space
Toggle speech on/off (VO stays active) Tap 2 times fast using 3 fingers VO+S
Pause/resume speech Tap once using 2 fingers Control
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Speak the item under your finger Touch or move around the screen using 1 finger N/A
Activate the rotor and move through categories 2 fingers and twist left or right  See Quick Nav section
Move using selected rotor option  Swipe up or down using 1 finger VO+Up or Down Arrow
Activate the selected item. (open app, press button) Tap 2 times fast using 1 finger VO+Space
Move to the previous or next item Swipe left or right using 1 finger VO+Left or Right Arrow
Move to first icon on Home screen Move finger to top left corner of screen N/A
Move to first item in dock Move finger to bottom left corner of screen N/A
Move to previous or next page on Home screen Swipe left or right using 3 fingers N/A
Speaks the current page number and position Tap once using 3 fingers N/A
Scroll up or down in a multi-page document or list Swipe up or down using 3 fingers N/A
When in an app, switch to next or previous app Swipe left or right using 4 fingers Command+Tab or Command+Shift+Tab
Open or close app switcher Press Home button twice or swipe up or down using 4 fingers VO+H pressed twice quickly
Move to new running app when app switcher is open Flick left or right to desired app.  VO+Right or Left Arrow
Open new app from app switcher Double tap  VO+Space
Remove app from app switcher With app switcher open flick to desired app. Double tap and hold. Lift off and double tap again N/A
Move to home screen Press Home button  VO+H
Return to previous screen, cancel, close pop-up Scrub back and forth using 2 fingers Escape
Move to the status bar Move finger to top part of screen VO+M
Move across status bar Swipe left or right Right or left arrow when on status bar
Open notification center
 Select the status bar and swipe 3 fingers down. N/A
Entering Text
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Standard Typing Set Rotor to standard. Flick left or right to move through the letters. Double tap to enter the character. Or put thumb on top right corner, move finger over keys with left hand. Use thumb to double tap on desired letter N/A
Touch Typing Set Rotor to touch. Move finger across keyboard to locate correct letter. Release to enter character N/A
Activate non-character keys Move finger or flick left/right to locate the non-character key (e.g. Return). Double tap to activate command Use keyboard keys
Move the insertion point Set Rotor to characters or words. Flick up or down to move the insertion point accordingly VO+Up and Down Arrows
Dictate into an edit field Double tap with 2 fingers to start and again to stop N/A
Editing Text
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Select word Set rotor to Edit. Flick to Select. Double tap Shift+Option+right/left arrow
Select words, characters, lines, paragraph Set rotor to Edit. Flick to Select. Pinch out to select text. Pinch in to deselect Select character – Shift+right/left arrow
Select line – Shift+up/down arrow
Select paragraph – Shift+Option+ up/down arrow
Select All Set rotor to Edit. Flick to Select All. Double tap. Shift+Command+A
Cut, copy, paste Select text. Flick to choose action. Double tap Select text.
Copy – Command+C
Cut – Command+X
Paste – Command+V
Copy last spoken text to clipboard 3 finger quadruple tap (new in IOS 7) N/A
Rotor Options
To activate the Rotor using gestures and move through the categories, put two fingers on the screen and twist left or right
Environment Rotor Options Actions (Flick up or down)
Editable document Character,
Typing mode
 Reads by character
Reads by word
Reads by line
Reads by heading
Standard or touch typing
Select, select all, cut, copy, paste
Moves between menu options and edit field
Web page Links
Form controls
Edit (when in a form)
Containers Moves through links. Double tap to activate
Moves through form controls. Double tap to activate
Reads by word
Reads by line
Reads by character
Moves by headings
Pastes text that has been copied
Moves between panes on screen
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
Move to top of page Move finger to the top of the screen and swipe left or right N/A  on wireless keyboard
Read through elements on web page Flick left or right VO+left or right arrow
Move through links Set rotor to links. Flick up or down. Double tap to open VO+up or down arrow
Move through forms Set rotor to forms. Flick up or down. Double tap to open VO+up or down arrow
Search Swipe to search field. Double tap to edit. Type search query. Swipe to Search on keyboard. Double tap Type search query. Press Return
Dismiss pop up Move finger to left side of screen above keyboard. Double tap Press Escape
Action Gesture Keyboard Command
VoiceOver  Gestures and  Practice 4 finger double tap. New in IOS 7. Works from anywhere N/A
Speak Hints As above but swipe to Speak hints and double tap with one finger N/A
Keyboard Help N/A VO+K (keyboard description) VO+K (hold VO keys and press other keys for VO commands) Escape to exit
Quick Nav
Quick Nav allows the user to control VoiceOver using the arrow keys on an external keyboard. Using Safari, Quick Nav allows the user to navigate a web page using single letter keys.  Many users find Quick Nav easier than gestures for changing the rotor settings. Quick Nav does not work without an external keyboard. Quick Nav is off by default
VoiceOver Action Quick Nav Keys
Turn Quick Nav on or off
 Left Arrow + Right Arrow
Change the rotor settings
 Up Arrow + Left Arrow or Up Arrow + Right Arrow
Select the next or previous item
 Right Arrow or Left Arrow
Select the next or previous item specified by the rotor setting
 Up Arrow or Down Arrow
Select the first or last item
 Control–Up Arrow or Control–Down Arrow
“Tap” an item
 Up Arrow + Down Arrow
Scroll up, down, left, or right
 Option + Up Arrow, Option + Down Arrow, Option +Left Arrow, or Option + Right Arrow

Quick Nav & Safari
When on a web page the following keys allow the user to move between various elements using single letter navigation. Use Shift + the letter to move back
Turn Quick Nav on or Off Left Arrow + Right Arrow
H Heading
L Link
R Text Field
B Button
C Form Control
I Image
T Table
S Static text
W ARIA Landmark
X List
M Element of the same type
1 Heading level 1
2 Heading Level 2
3  Heading level 3
4 Heading Level 4
5  Heading Level 5
6 Heading Level 6